Nokia has recently launched its new Nokia 6.1 Plus phone, which comes with many features, including a section on the top of the phone screen. Here is a comparison of the Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus, launched last February, Between the two phones as follows:
The difference between the Nokia 6.1 Plus and the Galaxy S9 Plus
difference between the Nokia 6.1 Plus and the Galaxy S9 Plus

Galaxy S9 +

Nokia 6.1 Plus

Powered by Android 8.1

Powered by Android 8.1

Screen Space

6.2-inch screen

5.8-inch screen

screen resolution

2960 × 1440 Megapixel camera

2280 × 1080 megapixel camera

Rear camera

12 + 12 megapixel camera

Camera 16 + 5 Megapixel

Front camera

8 Megapixel camera

16-megapixel camera


Snapdragon Wizard 84

Snapdragon Wizard 636


6 GB

4 GB

Internal memory

256 GB

64 GB

the battery

3500 mAh

3060 mAh

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