Samsung has confirmed that its next smartphone, GlaxoNote 9, will be officially announced on Aug. 9, but the South Korean company did not say anything about the availability of the new phone in the market, but some unconfirmed rumors claim that NotE 9 will reach markets by 24 August.
Samsung Unveils New Galaxy 9 Phone in Early August
Samsung Unveils New Galaxy 9 Phone in Early August
According to the US Digitimes website, Samsung will be forced to release Notte 9 in the market long before expected. According to sources from the Taiwan phone supply chain, the new phone is likely to become available for purchase in August as well.
The reason for Samsung’s decision is that the Galaxy S9 sales will fall unexpectedly as it sells only 30 million units in 2018, according to a report from the Chinese media. This is the lowest-selling phone in Galaxy S since 2012.
The early release of Galaxy Note 9 is intended to cover losses due to lower Galaxy S9 sales.

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