local governments in the public sector. Education in Canada is generally divided into primary, secondary and post-secondary education. Within the governorates, under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, there are councils for schools in each district, which in turn administer educational programs. Education is compulsory until the age of 16 in all provinces of Canada, except Manitoba, Ontario and New Brunswick, where education is compulsory until the age of eighteen or to obtain a high school diploma. In some governorates, exceptions can be granted to drop out early at the age of fourteen due to certain circumstances. just before June 24, the county holiday).
Primary, secondary and tertiary education in Canada is the responsibility of each province and there are many differences between provinces. Some areas of education are supported by federal departments at various levels, for example, the Ministry of National Defense includes the Royal Canadian Military College, while the Ministry of Indian and Northern Affairs of Canada is responsible. About First Nations Education, supports learning as a branch of human resources and skills development in Canada Vocational Training (Federal Department).
1 in 10 Canadians do not have a high school diploma, and one in seven has a university degree. In many places, publicly funded courses are offered to the adult population, and the proportion of high school graduates versus the proportion of non-students is increasing rapidly, partly because of changes in the labor market that only employ high school graduates and, in many cases, university degrees. The majority of schools in Canada (67%) are co-educational (ie, boys and girls in the school).
Canada spends approximately 5.4% of GDP on education and invests heavily in tertiary education (more than US $ 20,000 per student). Since the adoption of Article 23 of the Constitutional Act, in 1982, education has been provided in both English and French in most areas of Canada (if the number of minority-speaking children justifies it), although French as a second language education is available to English-speaking students throughout Canada.
Canada is now introducing a new system that allows foreign students and graduates with Canadian work experience to become permanent and qualified residents of Canada, according to the Canadian Minister of Citizenship and Immigration.
Most schools have introduced one or more initiatives, such as programs in studies of indigenous peoples, their cultures and trades, anti-racism, visits by older persons and other members of the community. The content of these programs is on topics such as indigenous languages, spirituality and knowledge of nature, as well as tours to indigenous heritage sites. These classes are limited to the area where students live. “This approach is designed to develop
And improve people ‘s knowledge by guiding individuals to live in their natural environment and changing social system. “Finally,” some scholars view academics as a form of force that helps educate and create positive attitudes. On the other hand, there is criticism that teachers simply tell students what to think. Doing instead of letting them think for themselves or aspects of the curriculum such as reading and writing versus listening and speaking. One of the different lessons for students in the Canadian school system and this system is designed to meet the needs of the individual and different students.
Divisions according to religion and language:
The Canadian Constitution provides constitutional protection for some types of publicly funded school systems based on religion and language, and the Constitutional Act of 1867 guarantees separate publicly funded and debt-based schools. Separate schools were established by law before the province joined the union, and court cases acknowledged that this provision did not apply to Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Manitoba, British Columbia, and Prince Edward Island, because those governorates did not provide legal guarantees to separate schools before the union. This provision was applied mainly in Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Newfoundland and Labrador, as these provinces had separate pre-existing schools. This constitutional provision in Quebec was abolished by a constitutional amendment in 1997, Newfoundland and Labrador in 1998. Constitutional provision still applies in Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta, and a similar federal legal provision applies to the Northwest Territories.
Article 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the right of citizens who are educated in minority language in a given province to their children to receive minority language education in publicly funded schools. In fact, this guarantee means that there are publicly funded English schools in Quebec and French funded schools. From the public sector in other provinces and regions.
Students in Quebec must study at a French school until the end of high school unless one of their parents qualifies as a right holder under Article 23 of the Charter, in Ontario French schools automatically accept students recognized under Article 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and may accept non-French-speaking students Through the Board Committee for Admission and Registration made up of the principal