Apple has launched a new update to the MacBook Pros 2018, which it says is designed to fix the controversial problem faced by some users of the high temperature of the device dramatically, Apple said the problem was caused by a firmware error, and the new update aims to repair.
Apple apologizes for fault caused by new MacBook Pros
Apple apologizes for fault caused by new MacBook Pros
“After a series of tests on the device, we determined that a missing digital key in the firmware affects the thermal management system and can reduce the speed under heavy thermal loads on the new MacBook Pro,” Apple said in a statement to the British Business Insider website.
The company explained that the update is complementary to overcome this error and prevent the temperature of the device to rise alarmingly, and apologized to the US giant also to any customer who had a problem with the device.
Apple’s official website says that the new MacBook Pro 15-inch faster than 70% of the previous version thanks to the latest advanced processors of the device.

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